星期三, 2月 28, 2007


Download details: Microsoft Network Monitor 3

Download details: Microsoft Network Monitor 3




Test Double

MF Bliki: TestDouble

在Martin Fowler的網站上看到一篇文章,題中提到一些人對於Mock或Stub之類的物件有著各式各樣的說明。Gerard Meszaros試圖替這些相關的用詞訂出明確的定義,Gerard將這些類似用途的物件統稱為Double,然後又分成以下四類:
  • Dummy objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually they are just used to fill parameter lists.
  • Fake objects actually have working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes them not suitable for production (an InMemoryDatabase is a good example).
  • Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test, usually not responding at all to anything outside what's programmed in for the test. Stubs may also record information about calls, such as an email gateway stub that remembers the messages it 'sent', or maybe only how many messages it 'sent'.
  • Mocks are pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive. They can throw an exception if they receive a call they don't expect and are checked during verification to ensure they got all the calls they were expecting.

星期一, 2月 26, 2007

沒有NULL Iterator

把c++ 程式碼升級到vs2005後才發現,先前vector::iterator ite = NULL之類的程式碼都編譯不過了,經過google一番後才發現,似乎STL的iterator本來就不存在著NULL的觀念,只能利用其他的變數,或是利用ite = some_container.end() 來達到類似的效果。

  • http://www.mip.ups-tlse.fr/~grundman/stl-tutorial/tutorial.html

    Why doesn't STL have null iterator values? STL iterators are supposed to be generalized pointers, right? That phrase has been bandied about a great deal, but it is very misleading. STL iterators are generalizations of array pointers, that is, a pointer set to point into an array, and then incremented or decremented. It does not make sense to talk about such a pointer having a null value.

    In C and C++, null pointers are used to indicate errors, or abnormal conditions. When you have a C++ iterator type, there is normally only one kind of error value it will return: one indicating "I fell off the end of the list". It is natural, therefore, for most iterator classes to use null as the "past-the-end" value. If you find yourself wanting a null STL iterator, you probably want the past-the-end value.

星期二, 2月 20, 2007


Orcas包含了一個新的System.AddIn namespace用來輔助製作plug-in技術


當一堆人還不清楚什麼是Agile Software Development/Agile Project Management時,已經有人開始在思考下一步了

Google, 微軟, Yahoo的人才培養

某人在這三大龍頭的工讀經驗: http://tastyresearch.wordpress.com/work-stories/

Google Summer of Code: http://code.google.com/soc/

  • Google預計於今年(2007)舉辦第三屆GSoC。由一堆公司擔任指導者來指導加入GSoC的學生。指導者與學生都必須要提出相關計畫報告。GSoC為期約三個月,若每個評鑑點都通過評鑑,則指導者與學生都能獲得完整的薪資,否則就只能得到部分薪資。

星期一, 2月 19, 2007

Regular Expression

輔助寫作regular expression的工具

Selenium Remote Control初體驗

今日首次使用Selenium Remote Control來測試網頁,感覺不錯,不過仍然遭遇到一些問題,還好最後都解決了。
  • 問題一: 連不上Selenium Server
  • 問題二: 無法下達type指令
    一直無法成功鍵入"cmd=type&1=question&2=This is a test&sessionId=1234"指令,總是回傳exception。開啟Selenium在瀏覽器端的log視窗也看不出什麼端倪。最後才發現原來是我耍白爛,在我所測試的網頁中,id question的控制項其實是個combo box,而我想測試的text box的id其實是txtquestion。因此只要將指令改成"cmd=type&1=txtquestion&2=This is a test&sessionId=1234"即可正常執行。
  • 問題三: 無法利用type指令送出中文
    直接送入中文, 如"cmd=type&1=txtquestion&2=馬英九", 會在瀏覽器端看到亂碼。如果將"馬英九"在utf8下編碼成url的%編碼 (%e9%a6%ac%e8%8b%b1%e4%b9%9d),就能在瀏覽器端正常收到"馬英九"三個字

星期日, 2月 18, 2007

COM/.Net interop

Registration Free COM/.Net interop


星期一, 2月 12, 2007

星期日, 2月 11, 2007

JavaScript的Memory Leak

據說IE中javascript使用reference count來處理物件的生命週期,當有循環參照時就會發生物件死不了的狀況,因而產生memory leak。關於此問題,有以下相關討論:

星期六, 2月 10, 2007

Yahoo! UI Library

http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/container/ 看起來不錯用,但還沒有親自用過。


JavaScript logger
